

Bringing home a new baby; when 3 becomes 4 or more!

What did you do when you had
a newborn and a toddler?

Proud Big SisterMotherhoodSleeping Siblings
 Ha-ha! I didn’t sleep much and my food was usually cold. My first baby was amazing she slept through the night very early on and just spoiled me. I assumed that #2 would be a carbon copy of his sister…I was dreadfully wrong. It was a year before he slept through the night. He was colicky and would cry when tired, hungry, or when needing a diaper change; pretty much all the time for the first 4 months. But I learned so much during this time and grew as a parent. And being on this side of the journey, I want to offer hope and suggestions to make your transition easier.

The Inspired Doula’s Top 10

for bringing a new baby home to a full house!

  1. Enjoy your current family! In the weeks leading up to delivery, make time for marked moments as a family. It does not have to be a huge vacation, but take time with each of your current children and create those special memories that you might not have the energy for in the upcoming weeks.

  2. Explain! What is going on? Maybe have your child feel the baby’s movements or record the heartbeat for them to hear. Explain the sleeping arrangements and if they might change. Maybe your older child is moving to a big kid bed.

  3. Always spin it to the positive!!! You are shaping your toddler or older child’s thoughts about your newborn.

  4. Don’t change too much, too quickly! Or for that matter too late in the game. Give your older child a chance to react and accept the changes. Some children can do this easier than others.

  5. Encourage your child to be a helper. You are going to need their help and they will want to be made to feel important! Taking a diaper to the trash is a big deal to a 2-year-old!

  6. Prepare! It is a struggle for some to make a list, but with a new baby on the way…do it! Clothes are washed. A few meals are prepped. Supplies for your other child(ren) are ready. And be sure to note of any special needs for your family i.e. pets.

  7. A gift from baby! For each of our children, we would find a simple gift for the others. (stuffed animal, baby doll, book, or small toy)

  8. Talk to them about how things will change once the baby is here. You might want to discuss feeding times or when the baby is sleeping.

  9. Recruit helpers or extra support for your first few weeks at home. A spouse, family member or friend may take time to focus on your older child while you are bonding with your newborn.

  10. Relax! You have this! Your family is unique, one of a kind, and an original masterpiece; no two families are the same and you get to do it all your own way!

To the Families with MORE!


One question I am often posed, “How do you manage all them?”

As any parent of 2 or more children quickly assess…is this person ready for the truth?

Well, honestly, somedays are better than others and I am in prime running for my mother of the year trophy. Sadly, on other days, you might see a glimpse of the real struggle all parents have. I have made mistakes and raised my voice. However, you make it through and have a mulligan on the next day!

You will make it! I have faith in the process! I can’t wait to share and read your stories of life on the other side of chaos!

Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Difficulties, Chestfeeding, Dads, Doula, Newborn Care, Nursing, Parenthood, Postpartum

Doula Twinklings

As I have been thinking through this post series, I have questioned what would have been valuable to know after I gave birth. Some of this might sound crazy to you, but others are going to raise a hand and say, “Yeah! Me too!”

So for my first twinkling, I am going to hit on nursing. You may call it breastfeeding, chestfeeding, or nursing. I am going to discuss the initial soreness of breasts and my situation.

I remember it so well. The nurse asked, “Would you like to breastfeed your baby?”

And in my naive, I have read all the books way, I responded,”Yes, planning to.”

And she picked up my fresh baby and grabbed my breast and said, “Watch for her mouth to fully open and stuff your nipple in.”

Well, that sounded so easy!

By day 3, I was home…alone and my fresh baby as beautiful as could be; would not fed as easily as she did at the hospital. My breasts hurt. I was exhausted. I was in pain and I was DONE!!!

Have you ever quit…really before you had begun anything? This is where I was.

No one ever told me that most parents struggle those first few weeks. No one said that breastfeeding was not easy. It looked like a piece of cake in the books! So, with my sweet baby screaming her loving head off, I gave in. My superhero of a husband brought me a drink, told me to relax and used one of those little bottles from the hospital to calm our baby and feed her so I could take a moment to rest.

And you know what!

I went on to have a very successful nursing relationship with her and she was crazy healthy!

All while, in my head I questioned everything. Don’t you?

This parenting thing looks different for everyone. Some breastfeed/chestfeed and some bottle feed with formula. Some have struggled for years to conceive and others… All this to say embrace where you are and how you parent. There is no right way and there is no right book to read. Each baby and each family is uniquely different.

Hugs to each of you. You are enough and you are the perfect parent for your child right now!

Birth, Doula

The 5-1-1 Of Labor

One of the most frequent questions we receive as doulas,
Really this is a topic to be discussed with your care provider, however most hold to the 511 of labor. You are welcome to print this reminder and place on your refrigerator with you providers phone number or the number for Labor and Delivery at your local hospital. Email us for more information
#inspiredoulaservices #511oflabor #detroitareadoula #detroit #baby#pregnancy #labor #birthdoula #labordoula #doulasoflivonia

Birth, Dads, Depression, Mom, Paternal Postnatal Depression, Postpartum, Postpartum Depression, self care

After Baby – Postpartum Depression For Women and Men

Now that your precious baby is here…

How are you feeling? Emotional, exhausted, overwhelmed and yet, so in love?

Are you struggling? Maybe not recovering like you wished?

Where are your support people? Friends? Family? Spouse?

Having a baby can be the most trying time for new parents. You want it to appear like all things are going perfectly, but honestly, you are suffering inside. Getting up, a shower, and even feeding yourself are tasks that are met with difficulty.

You are not alone!

Many new parents, especially mothers, find themselves in a time of despair. They are desperate to reclaim their bodies and life as they once knew it. As many as 1 in 7 women suffer from Postpartum Depression.

Did you know that men can also suffer postnatal? Yes, it is true. PPND (Paternal Postnatal Depression) can have crippling, lifelong effects. 1 in 4 new fathers may experience PPND. PPND is more common when the spouse is also suffering from Postpartum Depression.

Here is what to look for:



  • Mood swings
  • Uncontrollable weeping
  • Lack of bonding with your baby
  • Withdrawing from others
  • Loss or excessive appetite
  • Insomnia or Hypersomnia
  • Extreme fatigue or statements of no energy
  • Little to no interest in hobbies and activities you once enjoyed
  • Intense irritability and anger
  • Worry of being a failure or not a good mother
  • Overwhelming emotions
  • Inability to focus or think clearly
  • Excessive stress, anxiety and/or panic attacks
  • Recurrent thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
  • Insomnia or Hypersomnia
  • Hormonal changes
  • History of depression
  • Spousal Tension
  • Strained relationship with family
  • Excessive stress about becoming a  parent
  • Poor social functioning
  • Intense irritability and anger
  • Lack of support from others
  • Financial difficulties
  • Exclusion from the mother and baby bond
  • Recurrent thoughts of harming yourself or your baby


Make the Call

Unfortunately, many parents of newborns suffer in silence with no idea of where to turn or who to call. They fail to recognize the symptoms and fall further into the hole of depression.

Both Postpartum Depression and Paternal Postnatal Depression can be treated. Help is available; your midwife, doctor and/or hospital will have resources for you. This is a serious matter and you need to seek a professional.

Call your care provider as soon as possible, if the signs and symptoms:

  • Don’t fade after two weeks or are suicidal in nature
  • Are getting constant or debilitating
  • Make it hard for you to care for your baby or yourself
  • Have thoughts of harming your baby or other children

As a doula and a therapist, I have seen the beauty of mothers and fathers being restored after treatment. Their families have thrived and the bond with their child was better than ever! You are worth it!

Call the suicide hotline number — in the U.S.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK


Doula, Newborn Care, Parenthood, Support for after having a baby, Uncategorized

Newborn Care Class

Taking care of a new baby can be overwhelming, scary and emotional; especially if you are a new parent. Every infant is different and we are here to assist you. Inspire Doula Services has developed a class specifically to support new parents. This class will help build your confidence and self-assurance by giving you practical tips and through knowledge of infant care basics.

Classes are now forming. Daytime, evening and weekend times are available. Classes are approximately 90-120 minutes long. Group Classes will be 3 hours with a break. Plan to take this class in the last trimester of your pregnancy. If you miss taking this class during the recommended time your pregnancy, private classes are available.

Inspire Doula Services also offers to come to your home after your delivery and assist with practical support and education for your new baby!

The following topics will be covered:

  • Umbilical Cord Care
  • Circumcision or Intact Penis
  • Bathing and Other Care
  • Diapering- Cloth and Disposable
  • Feeding- Breastfeeding, Bottle-Feeding and Pumping
  • Baby Wearing-Slings, Wraps and Carriers
  • Comfort & Soothing-Knowing Your Baby’s Cues
  • Sleeping and Safety
  • Symptoms of Sickness and Proper Care

The cost is: Private Class – $150 / Group Class – $120

Bed-rest, Birth, Birth Hospitals and Centers, Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Difficulties, Meals, Mom, Nanny for Siblings, Newborn Care, Parenthood, Postpartum, self care, Support for after having a baby

Support Matters

I remember a time when I felt all alone. 7 months pregnant with 3 others under 5 years old. I was trapped. At 29 weeks, I went to a standard appointment and explained to my obstetrician that I was having some Braxton Hicks. After that appointment I was filled with shock and in awe of what she discovered…I now had to be on complete bed-rest. I was not allowed to pick up my toddler or stand longer than it took to walk to the bathroom. I was instructed to only do the stairs once a day…in my tri-level house. I could not play on the floor or cook my family dinner. My priority was to keep my little baby in the womb as long as possible. For just about, 6 weeks I was captive in my own home and in my own body hoping the best for our unborn son.

Can I tell you something? 

Having no immediate family living in our state. Having a husband who had to work to provide for our family. I was left hopeless.

I was surprised in the most unbelievable and humbling way. There was a tribe that rallied around our family.These women made meals, watched our children, and cleaned our home as if it was their own. I had never seen anything like this!

Part of the reason why I became a doula, both birth and postpartum, is because of this tribe. I hope that no family is left unsupported. There are trained professionals ready to help you with newborn care, bed-rest situations, breastfeeding difficulties, nanny the siblings, make you meals, and lend a hand during your postpartum time.  Support matters, because it made a difference to me!

30 Second Story, Contacting, Doula




How to develop your 30 second story to share with everyone you meet.

Get your 30 second story. You will need and want to use it at some point in your doula career.

  • What do you do?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What was your experience?
  • Why this?

I am going to give you mine and I DO NOT CARE if you use it until you develop your very own.

I provide doula services for all families from birth and beyond. I love inspiring women during labor, reducing fear and creating comfort. I became a doula, because I recognized through my own births that care providers are hindered in the amount of  one on one attention they can give their patients. I want you (or other women) to have a better experience!

Or if I am speaking to a business group or care providers.

I am a part of a massive doula network in Michigan and across the United States. Our goal is to leave birth better, inspire expectant families and sooth their fears surrounding labor and postpartum. Becoming a new family can be difficult and we want you to know that there are uniquely equipped professionals ready to assist!

This is from my heart; I want you to win and have an amazing and inspiring business! You deserve it. Your clients will benefit from your knowledge. We are here to make birth better!




Benefits of a Doula

What benefits would a doula bring to your labor? A doula’ s hands-on attention to you and your birth team is proven to make a difference! Inspire Doula Services would like to make a difference for you! Message us today!
#inspiredoulaservices #doula #detroitareadoula #birthsupport #baby #adoulajourney #pregnancy #baby2018 #livoniadoula #birthworker #letsdoulathis #doulasmatter